Kansas City, Kan- Stacy Carey, a 39-year-old mother, discovered a lump in her breast and was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. Despite being at average risk, her early detection and advocacy led to a timely diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Jamie Wagner, her surgeon, emphasized the importance of self-awareness and the advancements in triple-negative breast cancer research.
Stacy Carey, Breast Cancer Patient
· Stacy shares her initial discovery of a lump in mid-April, which she initially thought was a clogged duct.
· She describes her follow-up with her family physician and OB-GYN, leading to imaging and a diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer.
· Stacy shares how her faith and support from family and friends helped her through the initial stages of her treatment.
Dr. Jamie Wagner, Director of the Breast Program at The University of Kansas Cancer Center Breast Cancer Care Hospital Kansas City | The University of Kansas Center Center
· Dr. Jamie Wagner explains the importance of self-awareness and the role of early diagnosis in Stacy's case.
· She explains the characteristics of triple-negative breast cancer and the challenges in treating it.
· Dr. Wagner discusses the importance of tailored therapies and the role of clinical trials in improving outcomes.
Dr. Dana Hawkinson, Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control, The University of Kansas Health System
· Dr. Dana Hawkinson provides an update on flu activity, noting two high peaks and a recent decrease in hospital admissions for influenza.
· He discusses the effectiveness of the flu and COVID vaccines, noting a 36-54% reduction in risk for influenza and a 33-45% reduction for COVID.
· Dr. Hawkinson emphasizes the importance of vaccination, especially for high-risk individuals, and the potential for better vaccines in the futu